Forrest Chapman has been involved in kids ministry since his teen years. He received much of his kids ministry training from Charles Homsher, the founder of Neighborhood Bible Time and his theological training from Calvary Baptist seminary where he earned his masters of divinity. He has been speaking at camps, youth retreats, vacation Bible schools, and special events for over 20 years.
for over 14 years, Forrest traveled as a professional magician having won 22 awards including the US champion of Stage Magic. In October of 2017, he retired from his business as a professional magician to become a kids pastor. He is now a missionary to kids. He travels with his family helping churches reach families in their communities and helps them develop a biblical philosophy of kids ministry.
Since Forrest was saved as a kid, he has a passion to reach kids with the gospel and equip churches utilizing all his training and God-given gifts.