I feel like god has built me piece by piece for kids ministry. I received kids ministry training through my local church, through years as a neighborhood bible time evangelist and assistant director, and I hold a master of divinity from Calvary Baptist seminary. I spent over 14 years as a professional magician (whatever that is worth) and have been speaking at camps, vbses, and evangelistic outreach events for over 20 years. I currently speak between 200 and 300 times/year.
Over the years, I’ve developed a style of preaching I call “Third person narrative preaching.” I have written a character named ed. Ed is every kid. He asks the questions about God, sin, the afterlife, etc. that every kid asks. Using this method, I believe I am doing something that no one else is doing. I do the biblical exegesis but the presentation is through the eyes of ed. Ed experiences the passage of scripture. So it makes for a memorable encounter with God’s word that captures the kids’ imaginations and leaves them with an experience they will never forget because they get to experience the scriptures with Ed.